Clan War Fixed Schedule

From this date forward we will book a clan war for every Wednesday night. This will entail booking a landing on Wednesday morning at approx. 09:00. Tommy has agreed to carry out this task. We will apply for a 19:00 landing which will require members online from 18:30.

We need early attendance to confirm comms. It takes time to get everybody connected. Once times for the battle are issued we will enter the Training Room and practice on the map we will fight on.

(Prior Preparation and Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance) You should be rhyming this off before you go to sleep.

TEAMSPEAK 3 IS ESSENTIAL. GET IT SORTED PRONTO CHAPS. Repeated failure to attend will be noted. Clan membership brings with it a responsibility to yourself and others. You let yourself and the clan down when you don’t help out.

Semper Fi

Clan Wars Result

Silence among the clan tonight. Not just because a battle was lost but more the annoyance of what could have been. It was my first booking of a clan war and I booked two landings. One in Ireland and one in Jutland. Unfortunately the start times clashed so we had to choose between them.

Tommy tried his hand at commanding the battle on an unknown map, Swamp. Tensions were high as usual and we managed to roll out with 14 eager members. Tactics worked well and with the aid of TeamSpeak, once again the battle plan was implemented. A rough version of IRON FIST. To our surprise and joy after the first contact with 5 tanks nobody was to be found. VICTORY. The Frenchies were Frogs Legs.

We tried to keep everybody together to cross the start line of battle No.2, 20 mins later. To our team detriment only 10 mustered. Same map and the same tactics. The opponents this time were UK 3rd Armoured Division. The clan dispersed to similar positions and awaited contact. The enemy employed their version of EYES ON as we were probed by their Recce Platoon. With 5 mins to go they had formulated their battle plan and deployed their main strike force to our weakest point. This shows how effective our own tactic can be if employed correctly. Their superior numbers won the day.

Clan morale, despite the defeat, couldn’t be higher. A great display with good results. TeamSpeak however is a must for all in future battles. For us to progress as a clan then effective communication during battles is a necessity.

Finally really good to see three new members take part tonight and a special mention to Clive who we got to meet on chat. We are improving with every battle and it’s an honour to fight with you. I’ll keep you posted on the next encounter. Results below.

29 June 2013year Saturday
22:00 – 23:00 Clan !-Europes Best Gamers ever–! lost landing tournament for province “Jutland”
22:00 – 23:00 Clan !-Europes Best Gamers ever–! lost landing tournament for province “Republic of Ireland”
11:00 – 12:00 -4 chips of clan !-Europes Best Gamers ever-! removed.
10:00 – 11:00 Clan !-Europes Best Gamers ever-! applied for landing in province “Jutland”
10:00 – 11:00 Clan !-Europes Best Gamers ever-! applied for landing in province “Republic of Ireland”

Clan Wars 29 June!

Two Clan Landings accepted for Saturday 29/06/2013 at approx. 19:00. Battle times to be confirmed by World of Tanks. We will be landing in Ireland and Jutland tonight. Battles are Tier VIII maximum but all are needed for the build up from 18:00 onwards. I will ensure the TeamSpeak Server is on from 18:00 onwards for comms checks.

It’s been a quiet week so everybody should be chomping at the bit. Unleash the dogs of war clan and be prepared for war.

Clan Wars Result

A defeat for the clan tonight but a success for the future. 12 members showed and out of those 10 were connected, in some format, to the new clan TeamSpeak server. This was a 100% improvement on previous battles. We had a resemblance of structure and  as a result were able to formulate a battle plan. All looking good for the future. Get connected gents.

Thanks all who took part or attempted to, Mako.

Clan Wars 23rd June!

19:19: 22/06/2013

I will be organizing a clan war for Sunday evening 23rd June. I’ll update start time as and when available. All Clan members Welcome to attend and help us kick some ass!

Roll Out Tank Commanders!


Field Commander -EBG-