I have made another Alliance with a new clan. They are called [DEF] Defiance. Their Clan Commander, Tiger_Snake, has agreed to help out with Tier VIII Tank Companies and training. They have started this clan a week ago after a recent split from their former one. Their membership is made up of very strong Tier X players and their offer of assistance is very welcome.

I talked to one of his Field Commanders, Stealth17, who was an Oracle of knowledge.

I will arrange a combined TC for next week. Details to follow.

Recent Clan Activity

I thought it would be prudent to update our core members on our recent activity. I would like to reassure all that we are not having a purge.

Firstly there was an incident in the build up to a clan landing battle. Three members conspired, in Finnish, to sabotage the battle. With seconds to go before the start they moved people out of the line up. For their immature actions and spite all three were excluded from the clan. As a result only English should be spoken in open Clan Chat. What is done in private channels is up to yourselves.

On a brighter note Tommy and myself have been negotiating with two other Clans. We have formed an Alliance with a new Clan

[WOTRF] WOT Ro Friends Commander:- ArcadiaFalls Real Name:- Serban

This is a new Clan and we will help each other by applying for the same landings. This can help to progress both our clans.

We have also made a good friendship with Yaffle1234 from [KIA] KillerZ In Action. He has 17,500 battles and is a very active member of his clan. We will work closely with their members during future Tank Companies. This will be a great help to our clan as their members are far more experienced than any of ours. An hour talking on TeamSpeak with him was an education for myself and Tommy.

KIA are a very active clan and despite regular full Tier X battles they also organise lower tier training battles. This was a very important snippet they passed on. For this reason we have been forming Tier IV TCs for the past few nights.

This will become a regular feature in our training. Make room in your garage for a good Tier IV. It will get good use no matter how much the clan progresses. It is a cheap way to train as a unit, form cohesion and get used to working together on TeamSpeak.

We intend to progress to Tier VI and VIII in due time but not before we are ready. Clan Wars will be put on hold for a while. We are not ready yet and let ourselves down when we enter them. We can and will improve.

Keep faith with us. We are working hard in the background and feel free to chat to us on WOT.


For anybody who hasn’t heard Shay has stepped down as leader of the clan. We talked on Skype and he agreed to let me take control. I have a vision for our clan which includes all our current members.

From now on the entry level for new recruits is a Tier VIII tank and TeamSpeak 3. This will not exclude anybody already joined up. We will be doing Tank Companies on a regular basis and Tier VII tanks will be able to take part.

Showing willing to take part will be noted and rewarded by all the leadership. A constant refusal to communicate and get on with fellow clan members will be dealt with decisively. The morale of the clan is high with success and progress in recent clan wars. This must be maintained.

I am introducing a yellow and red card system. Members will receive warnings for showing disrespect to fellow clan members. There is to be no more whinging and bitching about your comrades in arms. A red card will mean a demotion and eventual exclusion for persistent offenders.

Already I have promoted GOW to field commander for his strong activity and work for the clan. Tommy is promoted to deputy commander for similar reasons and showing leadership in clan wars.

I have promoted recruits to soldier for taking part in clan wars, This must be rewarded and I add my thanks to all who are active.

A new member came in tonight and was asked to take part in a Tank Company. He eventually replied “Stop inviting me”. People like this are not an asset to the clan. He was excluded instantly.

I am sad to see Shay leave and I talked to him on Skype. He showed maturity well above his age and I agreed to keep him as Deputy Commander. Unfortunately he has decided to go alone for a while but there will always be room for him in the clan.

I will endeavour to lead strongly and fairly. My vision is for a strong clan which competes in clan wars and is respected by other clans. The progress we have made in the last few weeks is commendable. It will need hard work from all of us and I am willing to put my effort into achieving success. I cannot do it alone.

Semper Fi Clan

Good Bye and Good Luck!

17:13: 2/07/2013

Today, I will be leaving the clan. I have great fun being your leader, commander, and to some of you; a friend. I will be leaving the clan at about 20:00 today, and then will probably not stay in touch with any of you. DoMiNoEZ, your new leader will serve you all very well and i hope to see -EBG- on the world map sometime, or even in the battlefield as a friend or a foe. No matter the circumstances we met in, I hope you might remember who I am.

Bueno Suerte todos ti!


Former Deputy Commander -EBG-

New Leadership

20:27: 01/07/2013

Most people say, new month means a new beginning. Today, on the first of July I handed over the keys of the clan to DoMiNoEZ, a great Player,  Field Commander, and now a new Commander. He will serve the clan well and hopefully will spring even more life into the clan than he did when we has made a Field Commander. I wish him luck in his new duties and hope that him and his team will progress the clan into the next stage of Clan – Clan combat.

Roll Out Tank Commanders!


Deputy Commander -EBG-

Recce Platoon Tactics

Reconnaissance is the military term for exploring beyond the area occupied by friendly forces to gain vital information about enemy forces for dissemination. This is often referred to as recce.

Force-oriented recce focuses on the enemy forces and will include target acquisition for artillery.

The Battle Commander needs to have a vivid picture of the battlefield.  He will use this information to formulate a battle plan. The Recce platoon is the eyes and ears of the battle force.  This is achieved by making and maintaining contact with the enemy. Recce platoon fans out forward and sets up OPs (Observation Posts). These OPs will give the battle commander a picture of what is going on.

This is the making contact with the enemy. This is easy but maintaining contact is the hard bit. Keep your distance and keep the enemy positions lit up. Do not engage larger forces.

Indirect fire from the artillery will assist during this phase of the battle. Meanwhile the main fighting force will advance and engage the enemy.

The Recce Platoon can bug out back through our lines and redeploy on another flank.

Second Clan Duty

With the kind assistance of Liam and Tommy we now have a clan server set up on TeamSpeak 3. The frequency is It is essential that we all use this. I tested it myself and it works well even with normal headphones. Platoon leaders will need a microphone for Team Orders but everybody else will need to at least listen in.

This is a great asset to the clan and we need to show our gratitude by using it and making it work for us.

Any queries about set up ask Tommy on clan chat in WOT. He was more than helpful to myself.

First Clan Duty

Guys we all have a duty to the clan. Moving forward the vision is to improve across the board. This will involve more activity from all members. It is a responsibility of all members to have in their arsenal

1. Highest tier tank for Full Clan Wars

2. Good tier VIII tank for Tank Companies

3. Good tier VI tank for Tank Companies

4. By own choice a decent Tank Destroyer, Recce Vehicle or Artillery

Those not in possession of these will not be penalised but inclusion in our vision of the future will require your best efforts. A Clan Asset Register (CAR) will be posted soon for all to see. For any updates please contact DOM.

This is an essential task and will aid the planning phase for future battles. Semper Fi.